Nials Journal Of Intellectual Property [njip] Volume 5 (2018)

  • Date Published 07/09/2020
Nials Journal Of Intellectual Property [njip] Volume 5 (2018)
Nials Journal Of Intellectual Property [njip] Volume 5 (2018)

With this issue, NJIP enters its fifth Volume. The last Volume was published in 2015. It is not every Volume that has an editorial. However, this Volume deserves one in the light of the NJIP journey so far. From a bi-annual originally to annual peer-review journal, it has travelled assuredly making its modest contribution to the IP discourse among scholars, practitioners and policy makers in the field. With the ubiquitous character of IP in almost every field, it is not always that IP is discussed and indeed IP voices are often drowned in the floodgates of other pressing national and global priorities. In reality, there is hardly any issue without linkages with IP so that when IP experts speak or write, it is not only important especially in our country and region, it should be taken seriously. Such is the significance of IP in the current global knowledge era. This is why this journal continues to fill the gap in the discussions of the various perspectives and dimensions of IP law, policies and practices.

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Nials Journal Of Intellectual Property [njip] Volume 5 (2018)

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