Laws Of War And Use Of Force

  • Date Published 14/01/2019
Laws Of War And Use Of Force
Laws Of War And Use Of Force

Law of Wars and the Use of force has been referred to as a political and sensitive topic. There is no doubt to this assertion as a result of the multiplicity of jurisprudence on the subject matter and how highly debatable the subject has become in recent times. More than Thirty years ago, most states agreed on a ban on the use of force with the explicit exception of self defence. But in recent times the total ban on Use of force has come under severe strain and rather controversial. Prohibition on the use of force is at the core of preserving individuals from the scourge of war and the unlikely negative outcomes of its application, but situations may occur in which the use of force might be legitimate and required in a particular situation. Thus, the dichotomy between security and justice and the requirement of legality and legitimacy might not always coincide in international law.

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Laws Of War And Use Of Force

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