Judicial Reform And Transformation In Nigeria

  • Date Published 14/01/2019
Judicial Reform And Transformation In Nigeria
Judicial Reform And Transformation In Nigeria

Societal transformation is one of the top policy thrusts of the current administration: 1 from the economy to education and health sectors, the hue and cry of transformation rings loud and clear in almost every sector of national life. The Nigeria judiciary, a creation of the Constitution, 2 is the 3 rd organ of government in the much espoused doctrine of the triumvirate of government. Alongside the executive and legislature, the judiciary holds the tripod of state affairs. Among the triumvirate of government, however, the judiciary is the one closest and most accessible to the mass of the citizenry; little wonder it is termed the last bastion of hope for the common man.The role of the judiciary in national affairs can never be under-rated. A weak judiciary means a normless society predicated on abuse of rule of law, injustice and inequality.

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Judicial Reform And Transformation In Nigeria

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