Laws In Force In Nigeria: Relevance And Functionality

  • Date Published 25/03/2019
Laws In Force In Nigeria: Relevance And Functionality
Laws In Force In Nigeria: Relevance And Functionality

This book brings together and addresses a wide range of matters that have never previously been considered together in book form. These include Money Laundering and Child Trafficking as Common Bedfellows, an Overview of Cooperation Efforts in Child Rights Enforcement in Nigeria, Internationally Recognized Core Human Rights Standards in Nigeria with Special Focus on Child's Rights, Child Trafficking as a Usurpation of the Rights of the Child, Rethinking Juvenile Justice Administration under the Nigerian Child Rights Act, Effects of Activities of Terrorists, Militants And Insecurity Challenges on Child Rights Enforcement in Nigeria, Transnational and National Frameworks for Enforcing the Rights of Children in Nigeria, amongst others.

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Laws In Force In Nigeria: Relevance And Functionality

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