Legislative Drafting And Statutory Interpretation An Introduction For Magistrates, Judges, Legislators And New Entrants

  • Date Published 15/10/2019
Legislative Drafting And Statutory Interpretation  An Introduction  For Magistrates, Judges, Legislators And New Entrants
Legislative Drafting And Statutory Interpretation An Introduction For Magistrates, Judges, Legislators And New Entrants

Legislative Drafting has grown from a discipline of the legal profession that suffered “undeserved neglect. In recent times, Legislative Drafting is “suddenly lifted from obscurity to honour and significance” within the legal profession.This book, “Legislative Drafting and Statutory Interpretation: An Introduction for Magistrates, Judges, Legislators and New Entrants”, is a response and recognition of the growing significance of legislative drafting within the legal profession. This growing significance makes it a necessity to introduce other members of the legal profession such as magistrates, judges, legislators to the rudimentary concepts of legislative drafting and statutory interpretation.

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Legislative Drafting And Statutory Interpretation An Introduction For Magistrates, Judges, Legislators And New Entrants

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