The world over, matters of National Security have always taken the centre stage because of its strategic importance to the overall corporate existence and progress of any nation. No nation can afford to treat with levity the security of its territorial integrity and of its people. Indeed, every aspect of human endeavour, be it health, environmental, food, economy, political, social and physiological etc stands to be greatly affected by the state of security or insecurity of that nation. It is no longer news that in recent time, the nation has been seriously bugged down with challenging security issues. There is the Boko Haram disturbances in some states of the North, incessant crises in Jos, Plateau State Capital, which claimed several lives, high profile militancy in the Niger Delta State leading to the amnesty programme of the late Yar’Adua administration, acts of political thuggery immanent in the country as exemplified in cases of bombings or attempted bombing at political rallies, armed robberies, the crash of the capital market and a host of others. These in no small measures affect the development of the nation politically, economically, educationally and socially.