The Uwais Court: The Supreme Court And The Challenge Of Legal Development

  • Date Published 25/03/2019
The Uwais Court: The Supreme Court And The Challenge Of Legal Development
The Uwais Court: The Supreme Court And The Challenge Of Legal Development

This book is an admirable study of the Supreme Court under the leadership of the Honourable Justice Mohammadu Lawal Uwais, GCON, Chief Justice of Nigeria (1995 – 2006). This work is unique in several ways: First, it is the first academic study by the Nigerian Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, of the works of the Supreme Court. Secondly, it is also the first study of the period of any Chief Justice of Nigeria. This is the first time that one could effectively refer to a period in the life of the Court by reference to the Chief Justice of the period. We are then presented, in this book, a study of the Uwais Court 1995 – 2006. Be that not all. Thirdly, the Chief Justice under reference happens to be a Fellow of the distinguished Institution known as the Nigerian Institute of Advanced Legal Studies.

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The Uwais Court: The Supreme Court And The Challenge Of Legal Development

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