Nuclear Law; Policy And Regulation

  • Date Published 14/01/2019
Nuclear Law; Policy And Regulation
Nuclear Law; Policy And Regulation

The international Atomic energy Agency is the United Nations organ charged with the responsibility for the peaceful uses of atomic energy. The early history of atomic energy may be traced to the significant scientific developments during the period 1939 to 1945 in Europe and the reaction – fusion which led to the production of nuclear energy as well as nuclear explosives. In the United States which was then the leading light, the Manhattan project expedited the making of the atomic bomb. In August 1945 atomic bombs dropped in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan marked the end of Japanese resistance and the end of the Second World War. These events at the same time raised concerns about the destructive powers of the nuclear bomb and the need to control and limit the use of nuclear power as an instrument of war.  There was at the same time a movement to direct and encourage the development of atomic power for peaceful and humanitarian purposes.

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Nuclear Law; Policy And Regulation

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