Nials Journal Of Public Law 2020 Volume 2 (issue Ii)

  • Date Published 05/01/2022
Nials Journal Of Public Law 2020 Volume 2 (issue Ii)
Nials Journal Of Public Law 2020 Volume 2 (issue Ii)

The NJPL Volume II, Issue 2 of 2020 contains wellresearched articles from various international and Nigerian authors within the legal and academic fora. Articles within this Volume include an analysis of the contestation of electoral disputes in Nigeria; the practice of and issues of federalism in Nigeria; jurisprudential conflicts arising from the adoption of the Childs Rights Act; accountability in Nigeria’s public service; the role of the ICC from an African perspective; analysis of the effectiveness of the whistle blowing regime in Nigeria; protection of children from pornography; plea bargaining and corruption and an assessment of the Treasury Single Account (TSA) in Nigeria. These articles cut across all spheres of public law, including criminal law, constitutional law, electoral law and international law and are written in conformity with the Nigerian Association of Law Teachers Uniform Format and Citation Guide for Legal Research Writing (NALT Uniform Format and Citation Guide).

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Nials Journal Of Public Law 2020 Volume 2 (issue Ii)

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