Food Security, Biotechnology And Biosafety In Nigeria: Legal And Policy Perspectives

  • Date Published 17/11/2020
Food Security, Biotechnology And Biosafety In Nigeria: Legal And Policy Perspectives
Food Security, Biotechnology And Biosafety In Nigeria: Legal And Policy Perspectives

The main aim of this book is to provide an overview of the role of food security in national development, from different but linked perspectives of biotechnology, biosafety and biodiversity. It establishes the complex linkages amongst these concepts; examines the challenges in operationalizing these linkages and recommends an approach that ensures the sustainable promotion of food security imperatives for Nigeria. The need for this book arose from our conviction that the ideas canvassed at the roundtable organized by the Nigerian Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (NIALS) in association with Open African Innovation Research (Open AIR) in November 2016, will be more widely dispersed and better appreciated through the publication of a book, which captures some of the current legal, regulatory and policy issues implicated in the discussions relating to food security, biotechnology and biosafety in Nigeria.

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Food Security, Biotechnology And Biosafety In Nigeria: Legal And Policy Perspectives

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