Nials Journal Of Intellectual Property [njip] Volume 6 (2019)

  • Date Published 07/09/2020
Nials Journal Of Intellectual Property [njip] Volume 6 (2019)
Nials Journal Of Intellectual Property [njip] Volume 6 (2019)

The Nigerian creative industry has received a lot of attention locally and internationally. The issues revolve around maintaining an enabling legal and regulatory environment that would ensure adequate protection of copyright and intellectual property rights of the creatives. This volume contains articles which explore some of these important issues. Sodipo’s article examines investment in film production and distribution. Three articles from Oriakhogba, Okorie and Onyido explore copyright collective management from refreshing depths that will bring valuable perspectives and contribution to the collective management law and practice in Nigeria. Olubiyi examines the grey terrain of trademark licensing under the Trademarks Act 1965 with a view to revising the relevant provisions for clarity. The collective management debate has received judicial impetus with two recent decisions of the Supreme Court. These 2018 decisions have been receiving interesting reviews, in this volume by Ojukwu.

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Nials Journal Of Intellectual Property [njip] Volume 6 (2019)

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