National Industrial Court Of Nigeria: Law, Practice And Procedure

  • Date Published 22/01/2019
National Industrial Court Of Nigeria: Law, Practice And Procedure
National Industrial Court Of Nigeria: Law, Practice And Procedure

The uniqueness of the court’s jurisdiction and practice, as well as its application of best practices in international labour jurisprudence, is a novel introduction in Nigeria requiring an in-depth study for the benefit of industry watchers in the field of labour and employment relations, employers, employees, trade unions, legal practitioners and the general public. After nearly three years since the passage of the Third Alteration to the 1999 Constitution, it is apt to study the present jurisdiction, practice and procedure of the court and its development of a unique labour jurisprudence in Nigeria. This work discusses fundamental issues relating to the jurisdiction of the National Industrial Court and analyzes the practice and procedures of the court in adjudicating matters before it

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National Industrial Court Of Nigeria: Law, Practice And Procedure

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