Principles Of Negotiation And Mediation

  • Date Published 16/01/2019
Principles Of Negotiation And Mediation
Principles Of Negotiation And Mediation

The fact that conflict is a constant feature of human existence is not perplexing; settlement of conflict in a manner that would engender lasting peace and harmony in any relationship remains a challenge to the uninitiated in Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) processes. ADR is rapidly growing in popularity, and preference for it is the reason that it provides alternative ways of resolving conflicts away from the regular litigation, which is fraught with various drawbacks. Negotiation and Mediation are two key ADR processes, which are mainly preferred. ADR in general and Mediation in particular received a boost with the establishment in 2002 of the Lagos State Multi-Door Courthouse (LMCD). The LMDC is the first Court-connected ADR Centre in Africa. The Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Abuja and other states like Abia, Akwa-Ibom, Kaduna and Kano have established their Multi-Door Courthouses, while several other states are at different levels of establishing theirs. These Multi-Door Courthouses have provided the platform for the practice of various ADR processes

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Principles Of Negotiation And Mediation

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