Restatement Of Customary Law In Nigeria

  • Date Published 14/01/2019
Restatement Of Customary Law In Nigeria
Restatement Of Customary Law In Nigeria

The Restatement of Customary Law of Nigeria by the Nigerian Institute of Advanced Legal Studies brings to an end four years of a massive research undertaking involving desk review; field research covering four geo-political zones in Nigeria; collation and analysis of field research findings; testing of field research findings in a stakeholders consultative conference; further desk review to fill in gaps in the literature; and the core restatement work by a select committee of Reporters.At the beginning of my administration as the Director-General of the Nigerian Institute of Advanced Legal Studies in May 2009, the Restatement of Customary Law in Nigeria project was conceived as one of the flagship projects of my administration. The enormity of what was implicated by a project of this magnitude required that our only hope for its completion lay in the unwavering commitment of the administration and all academic staff of the Institute who were engaged in the project. Also critical to its success was the availability of funds for what was bound to be a very expensive undertaking.

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Restatement Of Customary Law In Nigeria

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