Parliamentary Oversight Of The Executive Branch

  • Date Published 16/07/2024
Parliamentary Oversight Of The Executive Branch
Parliamentary Oversight Of The Executive Branch

This report provides information on parliamentary oversight mechanisms of the executive branch in Canada, Germany, Italy, Japan, Poland, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States. These countries represent different geographical regions and parliamentary systems. All but Sweden have bicameral legislatures. The means by which the surveyed countries exercise parliamentary oversight of executive branch actions often include members’ inquiries, interpellations, and votes of no confidence against the respective governments. Specialized permanent or ad hoc parliamentary committees tasked with oversight of government actions in specific areas operate in all the countries surveyed. In addition to specialized committee review, Swedish parliamentary oversight is conducted by the Committee on the Constitution (Konstitutionsutskottet). Consisting of forty-four members representing all parties of Parliament, this Committee has the power to hold hearings, conduct investigations, and request classified materials from members of Parliament.

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Parliamentary Oversight Of The Executive Branch

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