This report, prepared by the staff of the Global Legal Research Directorate of the Law Library of Congress, surveys laws regulating the mandatory legal deposit of electronic materials. Fifteen countries representing different approaches to collecting, describing, preserving, and storing digital and non-print documents and providing access to them are included in the study. (See map, below.) These countries were selected because of their long-term experience with collecting online and offline electronic publications. Each country survey provides information on the history of edeposit programs in the country, identifies the national institutions charged with collecting and preserving electronic materials, analyzes the legal framework for depositing digital materials, lists the requirements applicable to publishers of such material, and describes the measures taken to bring e-deposit programs in line with the restrictions established by national copyright laws. Where applicable, details of the web harvesting process are also described. Laws regulating the legal deposit of physical copies of print publications are outside the scope of this report, although in some cases such laws are mentioned where they address issues associated with e-deposit.