International Tax Reform, Digitalization And Developing Economies

  • Date Published 24/01/2025
International Tax Reform, Digitalization And Developing Economies
International Tax Reform, Digitalization And Developing Economies

While significant progress has been made in international tax cooperation, the interests of developing economies require greater priority and attention. This paper considers policy options that are currently under consideration in different international fora, drawing on the WBG’s work in supporting tax policy and administration reforms in developing economies. The overall direction of the reform debate is promising and could shift taxing rights towards market jurisdictions, as well as strengthen the tools available to deter profit shifting to lowtaxed entities. Some of the proposals under discussion could be adopted in the near-term but need to be better tailored to developing economy needs. This paper identifies five areas for improvement. First, the proposals relating to the allocation of global non-routine profits need to be simplified and incorporate more formulaic approaches. Second, work on the allocation of taxing rights should include in its scope the option to reallocate all non-routine profit, rather than only that part reflecting user value or marketing intangibles.

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International Tax Reform, Digitalization And Developing Economies

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